Tips for Staying Safe On A Night-Time Walk

In today’s fast-paced world, taking a leisurely night-time walk can be a peaceful and enjoyable way to unwind. However, the serene ambiance of the night can come with its own set of safety concerns. Whether you’re strolling through your neighbourhood or exploring a new city after dark, it’s essential to prioritise your safety. In this blog, SafeKab will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to stay safe during night-time walks, including practical tips and strategies to keep potential risks at bay.

The Importance of Night-Time Safety

Understanding the Risks

Night time walks can be incredibly relaxing, but they also present some unique risks. Understanding these risks is the first step to staying safe.

Reduced Visibility

One of the primary concerns during nighttime walks is reduced visibility. Dimly lit streets and pathways can make it challenging to see obstacles or potential threats.


Night-time often means fewer people on the streets, which can lead to a sense of isolation. This isolation can make you more vulnerable to unwanted encounters.

Preparing for Your Walk

Before you step out for your night-time walk, taking some preparatory measures can go a long way in ensuring your safety.

Plan Your Route

Plan your route in advance and stick to well-lit, familiar areas. Avoid shortcuts through alleys or secluded paths.

Inform Someone

Let a friend or family member know about your plans, including your route and estimated return time. It’s a simple precaution that can make a significant difference.

Carry a Phone

Always carry a fully charged phone with you. In case of an emergency, having a phone can be a lifesaver. Before you leave the house you can activate SafeWalk on the SafeKab app. Here you can programme in your destination and notify a loved one of your real-time location. You’ll also have an SOS button that you can press should you need to which will notify your preferred contact and your local SafeKab office. SafeWalk makes sure you’re never walking alone.

Staying Aware During Your Walk

Once you’re on your night-time walk, staying aware of your surroundings is crucial.

Use Headphones Wisely

While music or podcasts can enhance your walk, keep the volume low enough to hear what’s happening around you.

H3: Maintain Good Posture

Walking with confidence not only makes you less of a target but also helps you avoid tripping on uneven surfaces.

Trust Your Instincts

If something doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts and change your route, head back home or use SafeWalk’s SOS button to call for help if you need it!.

Dealing with Encounters

In some situations, you may encounter other people during your night-time walk. Here’s how to handle those encounters.

Avoid Eye Contact

If you encounter a potentially threatening individual, avoid making eye contact, which can be seen as a challenge.

Use Verbal Assertiveness

If someone approaches you and makes you uncomfortable, assertively communicate that you want to be left alone.

Seek Safe Havens

Know the locations of open businesses or public places where you can seek help if needed.

SafeWalk SOS Button

If you feel vulnerable, press the SOS button on the SafeWalk screen and it will notify your preferred contact and the SafeKab office of your location and that you need assistance.

Returning Safely Home

As you head home on your night-time walk, these final steps are vital for your safety.

Stay in Well-Lit Areas

On your way back home, stick to well-lit paths and avoid shortcuts.

Notify Someone

Once you’re safely home, let your friend or family member know you’ve returned. Or, if you’re using SafeWalk, your loved one will have been with you every step of the way and will know instantly that you’ve made it home, safe and sound!

Download the SafeKab app now to try the FREE SafeWalk feature and make sure you never walk alone again anywhere in the UK.