Guide to Tipping Taxi Drivers Around the World

Tipping taxi drivers is more than just a monetary transaction; it’s a cultural gesture that varies from one corner of the world to another. While tipping customs can be confusing, understanding them is essential to avoid awkward moments and show appreciation for a safe ride. In this guide, SafeKab demystifies tipping practices worldwide and equips you with the knowledge you need to navigate taxi travel whenever you are on your travels!

Why Tipping Matters

Tipping matters because it’s a way to recognise and reward good service and a job well done. Taxi drivers often work long hours, facing traffic and weather challenges, to get you to your destination safely. A tip not only acknowledges their effort but can also make a significant difference in their income. It’s a burst of gratitude that speaks volumes.

Tipping in Europe

United Kingdom

We’ll start with home territory. In the UK, it’s customary to round the fare up or add a 10-15% tip for taxi drivers. Unlike some countries, tipping here isn’t obligatory, but it’s certainly appreciated.


French taxi drivers include service charges in their fares, but it’s still polite to round up or add a small tip as a token of appreciation.

North America

United States

In the United States, tipping is customary and is actually expected. Most passengers tip taxi drivers around 15-20% of the fare. If the driver assists with luggage or provides exceptional service, consider tipping more generously. Not tipping someone who is considered to be in the service industry can actually be considered as a very rude gesture in The States.


Similar to the U.S., tipping taxi drivers in Canada is standard practice. Aim for a 15-20% tip, and round up the fare for convenience.

Tipping in Asia


Tipping in Japan is considered unusual and may even be seen as disrespectful. Instead, express gratitude with a polite bow or a simple “Arigatou gozaimasu.”


In Thailand, tipping isn’t expected, but it’s becoming more common in tourist areas. A small tip or rounding up the fare is appreciated.

South America


Taxi drivers in Brazil don’t expect tips, but rounding up the fare is a courteous gesture. In upscale taxis, a 10% tip may be more appropriate.


Tipping in Argentina is appreciated but not obligatory. A 10% tip is generally considered generous.

Australia and New Zealand


In Australia, rounding up the fare is common practice, or you can leave a 10% tip if the service was exceptional.

New Zealand

Tipping is not customary in New Zealand, but a small tip or rounding up the fare is a friendly way to show appreciation.

Middle East

United Arab Emirates

In the UAE, taxi drivers don’t expect tips, but rounding up the fare is appreciated. But, for exceptional service, you can tip a little more.


Tipping taxi drivers in Israel is customary, with 10-15% of the fare being a standard tip.

Etiquette Tips

When Not to Tip

There are a few instances when you shouldn’t tip, such as if the driver was rude or if the fare already includes a service charge.

How Much to Tip

The tipping percentage may vary, but a good rule of thumb is 10-20% of the fare. Adjust based on your satisfaction and local customs.

The Importance of Local Currency

Always tip in the local currency, as some drivers may not accept foreign currency or may give you an unfavourable exchange rate.

Expressing Gratitude Beyond Tipping

Sometimes, a simple thank you or a smile can go a long way in expressing your gratitude to a taxi driver.