Women’s Safety in the UK

Are Women Safe on Our Streets?

SafeKab was created in an attempt to increase safety across our community, specifically that of women’s safety. Here, we examine the facts surrounding violence against women and girls and explore the measures being taken to improve women’s safety across the UK and by SafeKab.

Violence Against Women: The Statistics

Despite the heightened fear for women’s safety following the high-profile murders in the UK, statistical data reveals that men are generally more likely to be homicide victims. In the year ending March 2020, 73% of the 695 homicide victims in England and Wales were men, while 27% were women. However, women are disproportionately affected by sexual violence. In March 2020, 4.9 million women reported being sexually assaulted at some point in their lives, with 1.4 million experiencing rape or attempted rape. In comparison, 989,000 men reported sexual assault, with 87,000 stating they had been raped or faced attempted rape.

The Perpetrators of Violence

Men are overwhelmingly the perpetrators of violent crimes against women. In the three years leading up to March 2020, 93% of convicted homicide offenders were men, predominantly aged 16-24 and predominantly white. The Crime Survey for England and Wales reported that 98% of rape victims over the age of 16 identified their assailant as male. Women are more likely to be killed by a partner or ex-partner (32%) or someone they know (24%), while only 13% are attacked by strangers.

Conviction Rates and Reporting Challenges

Conviction rates for crimes against women, particularly rape, are alarmingly low. In the year 2019/2020, only 3% of reported rape cases led to an arrest or warrant. Out of 58,845 recorded rapes, just 2,102 were prosecuted, resulting in 1,439 convictions. Sexual assaults are often referred to as “hidden crimes” due to underreporting, with victims citing embarrassment and fear of humiliation as significant deterrents.

Government and Law Enforcement Response

In response to public outcry, the government has pledged to double the Safer Streets fund to £45 million, enhancing street lighting and CCTV coverage. The Thames Valley Police’s pilot scheme of plainclothes officers patrolling nightclubs will be expanded. The Met Police Commissioner has announced the deployment of 650 new officers in London to patrol areas where women feel unsafe. Additionally, the creation of specialist Predatory Offender Units has resulted in 2,000 arrests for domestic, sex, and child abuse.

Community and Educational Efforts

Women’s groups and educational institutions emphasize the need for cultural change to combat gender-based violence. Initiatives like the anti-rape movement Everyone’s Invited provide a platform for survivors to share their experiences and advocate for change. Schools and universities are being called upon to educate young people about consent, respect, and the realities of sexual assault.

SafeKab and SafeWalk

SafeKab is a cutting-edge app designed to enhance the safety and convenience of taxi travel. Our app integrates modern technology with traditional taxi services, offering passengers a seamless and secure travel experience.

Commitment to Safety
Safety is at the forefront of SafeKab’s mission. That’s why we prioritise the well-being of passengers and drivers, ensuring every journey is as secure as possible, especially when it comes to women’s safety.

Choosing Your Preferred Car and Driver
The SafeKab app empowers passengers by allowing them to choose their preferred car and driver. This level of personalisation ensures that you have a comfortable and familiar travel experience every time.

Transparency and Control in Your Journey
The app provides complete transparency, giving you control over your journey. You can see all the details of your trip, from the driver’s profile to the car’s specifications, ensuring a worry-free ride.

Innovative Safety Features

Star Rating System for Passengers and Drivers
SafeKab’s star rating system allows both passengers and drivers to rate each other. This mutual rating system promotes accountability and comfort, ensuring high standards are maintained.

Safety Code for Driver Matching
Before starting your journey, you’ll receive a unique code that matches your driver’s code. This safety feature ensures you are getting into the right car, enhancing your confidence and safety.

Real-Time Location Sharing
Stay connected with loved ones during your travels. SafeKab’s real-time location-sharing feature allows your friends and family to track your journey, providing peace of mind.

Peace of Mind for Loved Ones
Knowing that you are safe and that your journey can be monitored offers tremendous peace of mind to your loved ones. They can rest easy knowing your exact location and ETA.

Instant Notifications to Your Contacts and Local Office
In case of emergencies, the SafeKab app includes a panic button that instantly notifies both the local office and your designated contacts. This ensures immediate assistance and enhanced safety during your journey.

Top Up SafeKab Wallet
The SafeKab app allows you to top up your in-app wallet, ensuring you never have to worry about carrying cash. This feature is particularly handy for spontaneous trips or when you’re out of cash.

Convenience of Cashless Payments
Cashless travel is not only convenient but also secure. You can make payments directly through the app, streamlining the entire process and reducing the risk associated with handling cash.

SafeWalk Feature

Staying Safe While Walking Home
SafeKab’s ‘SafeWalk’ feature allows you to share your walking route with a trusted contact. This feature is perfect for those late-night walks home, ensuring you are never alone.

Real-Time Route Sharing
Your designated contact can track your journey in real time, ensuring you reach your destination safely. This feature adds an extra layer of security and peace of mind.

Download SafeKab

Safety and reliability are the core values of SafeKab. Download the app today and join the safety revolution.

To learn more and be a part of this exciting journey in community safety, visit SafeKab’s website or follow us on all social media platforms.

Download the SafeKab app today and experience travel with confidence and security.


Q: How often are women attacked or killed in the UK? A: While men are more likely to be homicide victims, women are disproportionately affected by sexual violence. In 2020, 4.9 million women reported being sexually assaulted in their lifetime.

Q: Who is most likely to attack women? A: The majority of violent crimes against women are committed by men, often someone the victim knows. Only a small percentage of women are attacked by strangers.

Q: What measures are being taken to improve women’s safety? A: The government has increased funding for safety initiatives, including better street lighting, CCTV, and plainclothes police patrols. The Met Police has also increased its presence in areas where women feel unsafe.

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